Monday, June 6, 2011

throne speech day and getting used to the con-maj

Admittedly, I have turned my eye from national news since the election. It’s official: the Conservative majority has paralyzed me into political apathy. Hmph. Unfortunately I was beckoned to the National Post on Friday morning (it just had to be the NP on Throne Speech day, both of which I love to hate) as I waited for a friend sans easy reading material, and sure enough, I was reminded of why I have been in hiding.

It was journalist Terence Corcoran’s revival of the National Post’s 2010 pre-(federal)budget series: The Chopping Block that captured my gaze like a car accident. “The Post beings its year-long look at helping Ottawa find the cuts in its $120B budget: $1B spending cut? Not even close.” As Corcoran acknowledges, Harper and Flaherty would speed up the cogs of their propaganda machine Friday and Monday (okay, he didn’t ‘acknowledge’ the propaganda machine part), ‘reminding’ Canadians of the Conservative government’s “even-keeled and prudent” economic management and their ability to provide stable governance in the times of uncertainty that lie ahead.

Pre-election frustration bubbles quickly popped to surface: AHH! HOW DO THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS LIE OF A REPUTATION?!

Not looking forward to seeing where Tony Clement's make-shift team will find the upwards of 1.3% of government spending over the next several years. Cuts in transfers to the provinces and the erosion of health and wellness for our nation’s most vulnerable? Back to sports and arts news again as the budget is announced... Go Canucks! Argh.

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